May 24, 2014

Rooms with mazes finally fixed

Yesterday I finally managed to fix the rooms properly, with mazes around the room, all having doors leading in to the rooms. There are still some flaws to be worked out, where in rare cases a room could have no doors, but the solution is already in my head, ready to be implemented. The next step now will be to implement some simple corridors between the rooms instead of mazes, then go back and fix the rooms. It is only in really rare cases that rooms do not get doors, so this should be unproblematic.

This is how it currently looks, with our fantastic skeleton standing in the middle, wondering about the meaning of life.

April 23, 2014

A 3D procedurally created maze

I have finally done it! Today I finished implementing my brand new maze-generating algorithm into Unity, and with the work Thomas did we are now able to model it as a single mesh! The code is now in C#, interacting with Boo, and all completed with Unity.

As of now, we can create a new game using a menu, get thrown into a randomly generated (empty as of now) maze , walk around with our character, and slash with our sword or shoot with our bow and arrow.

It has truly been great seeing how seemless our code worked together, and how few post-implementation fixed that had to be done.

The result (ignore the monotone look and textures) can be seen on the picture below:

April 7, 2014


After some researching back and forth, I managed to get a draft for creating a maze, using a 2d-array. I designed this algorithm in Java, and plan on converting it to C# or Booscript when implementing it to Unity. The reason I chose Java, is because it is a robust and easy to work with platform, where I can test the algorithm without having external components messing up. Once I know the algorithm works, I can focus on porting it to our project in Unity, which, in my opinion, is the safer way to aproach this problem.

The goal of this iteration is to make an algorithm for generating a procedurally generated maze/labyrinth that our characters will be walking through. At first, a complete maze is the goal, and later on I plan on adding bigger rooms. The temporary result as of now can be viewed below (Run in Windows commandline).